cooling-off réflexion


cooling-off = réflexion

Pronunciation =  cooling-off

Pronunciation in French = réflexion

cooling-off in French: réflexion

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation 

Definition in French: devenir calme ou calme, surtout après un état d’agitation

Examples in English:

  • I looked at it as a cooling-off period

Examples in French:

  • Je l’ai regardé comme une période de réflexion

Synonyms of cooling-off

Synonyms in French refroidir,
se détendre,
Synonyms in English cool down,
chill out,
calm down

Antonyms of cooling-off

Antonyms in French colère,
Antonyms in English agitate,

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