develop Hatten sa seru

Hatten sa seru

develop = Hatten sa seru

Pronunciation =  develop

Pronunciation in Japanese = 発展させる

develop in Japanese: Hatten sa seru

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate 

Definition in Japanese: 成長する、または成長を引き起こし、より成熟した、高度な、または手の込んだものになる

Examples in English:

  • I have been exercising regularly to develop my arm muscles.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 私は腕の筋肉を発達させるために定期的に運動しています。

Synonyms of develop

Synonyms in Japanese 進化する,
Synonyms in English grow evolve mature advance flourish blossom bloom

Antonyms of develop

Antonyms in Japanese 低下,
Antonyms in English decline decrease halt lesson

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