fraternize fraternise


fraternize = fraternise

Pronunciation =  fraternize

Pronunciation in French = fraternise

fraternize in French: fraternise

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: To bring into fellowship or brotherly sympathy. 

Definition in French: Amener à la fraternité ou à la sympathie fraternelle.

Examples in English:

  • I don’t fraternize at work

Examples in French:

  • Je ne fraternise pas au travail

Synonyms of fraternize

Synonyms in French socialiser,
se mêler,
lier d’amitié
Synonyms in English socialize,

Antonyms of fraternize

Antonyms in French aliéner,
se faire des ennemis
Antonyms in English alienate,
make enemies

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