machete Machēte


machete = Machēte

Pronunciation =  machete

Pronunciation in Japanese = マチェーテ

machete in Japanese: Machēte

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a large knife with a wide blade, used for cutting trees and plants or as a weapon 

Definition in Japanese: 木や植物を切るために、または武器として使用される、幅の広い刃を持つ大きなナイフ

Examples in English:

  • The gardener used a machete to cut through the bush.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 庭師はマチェーテを使って茂みを切り裂きました。

Synonyms of machete

Synonyms in Japanese 刃、ナイフ、包丁
Synonyms in English blade, knife, cleaver

Antonyms of machete

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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