sleep 眠る


sleep = 眠る

Pronunciation =  sleep

Pronunciation in Japanese = 眠る

sleep in Japanese: 眠る

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended 

Definition in Japanese: 神経系が活動しておらず、目を閉じ、姿勢の筋肉が弛緩し、意識が実質的に停止している、通常は毎晩数時間再発する体と心の状態

Examples in English:

  • Did you sleep well?

Examples in Japanese:

  • よく眠れましたか?

Synonyms of sleep

Synonyms in Japanese 昼寝、居眠り、休憩
Synonyms in English nap, doze, rest

Antonyms of sleep

Antonyms in Japanese 起きて、起きて
Antonyms in English awake, wake up

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