The Romance language Italian is spoken primarily in Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, Slovenia, and Croatia. It is spoken in the cantons of Graubünden and Ticino in the southeast of Switzerland. It is primarily spoken in Croatia’s Istria county in the northwest, as well as in Slovenia’s Istria region in the southwest. Other countries with Italian speakers include Malta, Monaco, Romania, France, Eritrea, Somalia, Brazil, Australia, and the United States.
It’s not too difficult to learn basic Italian easily. In reality, in just a week or two, you can learn Italian phrases for your trip. If you know English, it is even simpler.
You can still begin to learn Italian even though you don’t have a language learning background. All you need for daily situations are Italian phrases and vocabulary.
Simple Italian phrases enable you to begin to understand the vocabulary and grammar of the language while you begin speaking immediately. And it is a perfect means of making the most of your journey if you’re traveling to Italy.
By mastering the fundamentals of Italian conversation along with phrases, you can put both yourself and the person you’re speaking with at ease. Before traveling to Italy, everyone should learn the basic Italian words and phrases. In most daily conversations, these terms and phrases are bound to pop up. Stick to the basic phrases and it will enhance your speaking skills and understanding of Italian words and sentences.
Basic Italian Phrases
Basic Italian Phrases
Si. Yes.
No. No.
Per favore. Please.
Grazie. Thank you.
Prego. You’re welcome.
Mi scusi. Excuse me.
Mi dispiace. I am sorry.
Buon giorno. Good morning.
Buona sera. Good evening.
Buona notte. Good night.
Italian Phrases for Meeting and Greeting
Parla Inglese? Do you speak English?
C’è qualcuno che parla inglese? Does anyone here speak English?
Mi dispiace, ma non parlo bene l’italiano. I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian very well.
So soltanto un po’ di italiano. I only speak a little Italian.
Come si chiama, Lei? What is your name?
Mi chiamo Martin. My name is Martin.
Le presento Caterina. This is Caterina.
Come sta? How are you?
Sto bene, Grazie. I’m fine, thank you.
Piacere. I am pleased to meet you.
È stato un piacere conoscerla. It was nice to meet you.
Non-capisco. I don’t understand.
Scusi, che cosa ha detto? Excuse me, what did you say?
Può parlare lentamente? Could you speak more slowly?
Capisco benissimo. I understand perfectly.
Buona giornata! Have a nice day!
Days of the week and numbers in Italian
Wherever you go around the world, the days of the week and the numbers are still the most important phrases. It’s just time before you use them. It is time. Take the chance and now save them.
Days of the week in Italian
- Monday – lunedi
- Tuesday – martedì
- Wednesday – mercoledì
- Thursday – giovedì
- Friday – venerdì
- Saturday – Sabato
- Sunday – Domenica
If you don’t live actively in Italy, it can be very tricky to speak Italian. However, with Multibhashi, you can access a special, quick and highly efficient method of learning Italian with realistic subjects, authentic conversations, and bite-sized daily lessons, naturally.
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