additional Tsuika


additional = Tsuika

Pronunciation =  additional

Pronunciation in Japanese = 追加

additional in Japanese: Tsuika

Part of speechadjective

Definition in English: adjective: Added; supplemental; in the way of an addition.

noun: Something added. 

Definition in Japanese: 形容詞:追加; 補足; 追加の方法で。


Examples in English:

  • Additional cement and fly ash storage is also available

Examples in Japanese:

  • 追加のセメントとフライアッシュの貯蔵も利用可能です

Synonyms of additional

Synonyms in Japanese エクストラ、アディション、アディティブ、アディッド
Synonyms in English extra, addition, additive, added

Antonyms of additional

Antonyms in Japanese 少ない、プライマリ、基本
Antonyms in English less, primary, basic

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