average Píngjūn shù

Píngjūn shù

average = Píngjūn shù

Pronunciation =  average

Pronunciation in Chinese = 平均数

average in Chinese: Píngjūn shù

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: Adjective : lacking exceptional quality or ability
Adjective : approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value 

Definition in Chinese: 形容词:缺乏特殊的素质或能力

Examples in English:

  • She used to be an average student in school, but she excelled very well in her business.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 她曾经是学校的普通学生,但是她的业务表现非常出色。

Synonyms of average

Synonyms in Chinese 平庸的,普通的,无例外的,中位数的,中级的
Synonyms in English mediocre, ordinary, unexceptional, median, middle

Antonyms of average

Antonyms in Chinese 杰出,卓越
Antonyms in English outstanding, exceptional

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