badger Tanuki


badger = Tanuki

Pronunciation =  badger

Pronunciation in Japanese = 

badger in Japanese: Tanuki

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a grey and black coat
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester 

Definition in Japanese: イタチ科の重く構築された雑食性の夜行性哺乳類で、通常は灰色と黒色のコートを持っています
繰り返し(誰かに)何かをするように頼みます。 ペスター

Examples in English:

  • I saw a badger in the Forest

Examples in Japanese:

  • 森で狸を見ました

Synonyms of badger

Synonyms in Japanese せがむ、嫌がらせ、わざわざ、疫病、苦痛
Synonyms in English pester, harass, bother, plague, torment

Antonyms of badger

Antonyms in Japanese 援助、喜び、助け
Antonyms in English aid, assist, delight, help

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