basic de base

de base

basic = de base

Pronunciation =  basic

Pronunciation in French = de base

basic in French: de base

Part of speechAdjective


Definition in English: Adjective: reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality

Noun: (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant 

Definition in French: Adjectif: réduit à la forme la plus simple et la plus significative possible sans perte de généralité

Nom: (généralement au pluriel) une marchandise nécessaire pour laquelle la demande est constante

Examples in English:

  • Business has only two basic functions-marketing and innovation

Examples in French:

  • Les entreprises n’ont que deux fonctions de base: le marketing et l’innovation

Synonyms of basic

Synonyms in French fondamental, essentiel, primaire, simple, élémentaire
Synonyms in English fundamental, essential, primary, simple, elementary

Antonyms of basic

Antonyms in French Secondaire, moins important
Antonyms in English Secondary, less important

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