blockbuster éxito de taquilla

éxito de taquilla

blockbuster = éxito de taquilla

Pronunciation =  blockbuster

Pronunciation in Spanish = éxito de taquilla

blockbuster in Spanish: éxito de taquilla

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an unusually successful hit with widespread popularity and huge sales 

Definition in Spanish: un éxito inusualmente exitoso con gran popularidad y grandes ventas

Examples in English:

  • The new movie is a blockbuster.

Examples in Spanish:

  • La nueva película es un éxito de taquilla.

Synonyms of blockbuster

Synonyms in Spanish gran éxito,
mega éxito,
Mejor vendido
Synonyms in English smash hit,

Antonyms of blockbuster

Antonyms in Spanish fracaso
Antonyms in English flop,

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