Chinese is a group of language varieties that form the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages, spoken by the ethnic Han Chinese majority and many minority ethnic groups in Greater China. About 1.3 billion people (or approximately 16% of the world’s population) speak a variety of Chinese as their first language.
The very idea of learning a language can be overwhelming, especially for those without previous language learning experience. With the right knowledge, expectations, motivation, and dedication, however, you can learn any language you set your mind to.
The following 12 tips and tricks for language learning will help you to get started!

Best tips and tricks to learn Chinese language
1. Decide whether you are going to learn traditional or simplified Chinese characters.
There are two different systems of Mandarin writing – traditional and simplified. Simplified characters were created by decreasing the number of strokes needed to write the character, changing its form. For example, compare the traditional and simplified characters for fei (to fly):
Traditional: 飛
Simplified: 飞
Today, traditional Chinese characters are mainly used in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Simplified characters were introduced in China in the 1950s and 60s to increase literacy rates, and are the official system of writing in mainland China, and Singapore. This is also the form of writing taught in Mandarin courses around the world.
2. Invest time and money in an intensive Mandarin program so you have a solid foundation.
This is applicable to most languages, but intensive learning at the beginning is particularly important for a language like Mandarin, which is utterly alien to an English speaker.
I failed to learn Mandarin as a child because two hours a week were not enough to build the foundation. For Chinese, the basics are crucial: you must learn the four tones (which are often indistinguishable to English speakers), master the Pinyin needed to pronounce the logographic characters, and grasp other fundamentals such as the stroke order to form the characters.
It takes hours of writing, listening, and speaking to master these basics.
3. Become language buddies with non-English speakers who are learning Chinese.
People learning Chinese who aren’t native English speakers are great language partners:
- They are students like you, so you may feel less embarrassed making mistakes with them.
- You are less likely to fall back on English to communicate.
Swapping English for Chinese as part of a language exchange with locals is fine – but with my Japanese and Korean classmates, Chinese is often our only common language, so we speak it all the time. There is no need to structure our sessions. We hang out after class when the material is fresh in our minds, and use all the words and idioms we’ve just learned.
4. Follow a Chinese TV show you like, or listen to Chinese music.
Consuming Chinese pop culture is an enjoyable way to build your vocabulary just by sitting on your tush, and a great chance to test your listening and comprehension away from the classroom syllabus.
What you should watch or listen to depends on your preferences and language level.
I suggest focusing on just one particular show or mini-series to start with. I find I get emotionally involved with the storyline, which gives me added incentive to keep watching, and it helps my listening skills to focus on the accents of only a handful of people.
5. Practice speaking in front of a mirror.
In my last Chinese class, I realized that many silent students were nervous about talking because they thought they looked awkward when they spoke. And it’s true, something happens to my mouth when I speak Chinese – it moves in crazy ways that it doesn’t when I speak English. Speaking in front of a mirror and seeing how your mouth forms Chinese words can help with this. Watch yourself speak, relax your facial muscles, and practice being angry and sad and happy in Chinese. When you realize you don’t look like a fool, fluency will start to come naturally.
6. Take the HSK, a standardized Mandarin exam for non-native speakers.
The Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (HSK) is a Mandarin proficiency exam administered in China and abroad. There are six possible levels of achievement, the most elementary testing you on 150 words, and the most advanced testing your knowledge of up to 5000 words.
Some people take the HSK for Chinese university admission, others because they are hoping for a short-term language study scholarship.
7. Find the Ideal Learning Environment
The best way to learn how to swim is to jump into the water. The same goes for learning a language. By far, the best thing that you can do for your language learning is to spend time in a country, community, or club where people use the language and you are forced to speak it. It can be as simple as going to your local Chinese supermarket and asking where a certain item is, how much something costs, what brands are good, etc. By immersing yourself, you will absorb knowledge faster.
8. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes
One thing is guaranteed when you’re learning a language; you will make mistakes – it’s unavoidable, so it’s best to accept this fact right from the start. As an introvert, I have struggled with taking risks at times, but you can step outside of yourself, face your fear, and create a different persona for the language you are learning. Many people who speak multiple languages report having a different type of ‘personality’ for each language that they speak.
9. Get Help From Others
Sometimes, the best way to learn is from other people. Ask native speakers to correct your grammar and pronunciation. They are usually happy when you make an effort to speak their language and won’t mind correcting you. And don’t get upset about being corrected even if you’re not asking for help! It’s all a part of the entire learning journey.
10.Find Your Suitable Learning Styles
As the old saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Try all kinds of methods and see what works best for you. Remember that what works for one type of student may not work for another. It will also help you discover what your dominant learning style is (Visual, Aural, Verbal, Kinesthetic, Logical, Interpersonal, or Intrapersonal). There are tests you can take on the internet to find out. Many people are a mix of a few of these styles, not just one. When you find the best mix that works for you, your learning will progress much faster.
11. Have Fun
Most importantly, never forget to have fun. Language learning doesn’t need to be torture, and if it feels like torture, then you’re not doing what you should be doing. Use your resources. Travel and talk with native speakers and fellow language learners. Play games. Tell your friends and family about what you’re learning. Be proud of the fact that you’re improving yourself. You’re opening your eyes, ears, and mind to a new culture and world, and there’s something incredibly exciting about that. Even if all of the rules and memorization are tiring at times, remember that there are so many different ways to learn and be creative with your language learning.
Keep it fresh and fun. You’ll stay motivated and learning a language will be faster, easier and more enjoyable than ever before.
12. Yes, You Can
First and foremost, it’s important to know that you, yes, you, can learn a new language regardless of your age, previous experience, gender, native language, nationality, income, and schedule. While there is no denying that these things can play a role in how fast you learn a language, they cannot and do not prevent you from learning. Language learning is possible for everyone, especially you.

In summary, the top tips to learn any language are:
- Be willing to take risks, put in the effort, and accept ideas that are outside your comfort zone.
- Get as much consistent and regular language exposure as possible. Ten minutes a day is better than one hour a week.
- Find the learning techniques that help you best, then practice, practice, practice (repetition is your friend).
So are you ready to learn Chinese? Start learning now only.
All the best!!!