‘Everyone’s experience is different.’ Every mind is different and so is every person and his/her grasping power. It depends upon a person totally that how long will it take him or her to learn French. French is considered a tough language to learn and when it comes to pronunciation, it seems more difficult to learn it.
In this blog, we will look at how long it usually takes to learn the french language.
Things to keep in mind
But, believe me, it is as tough as any other language to learn. The basic thing that one faces while learning any new language is the environment available. And in the case of French, the environment becomes more important because its pronunciation requires one to focus on it.
I started learning French when I was in High school. I only had a French lecture in which, I read about grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. But still, I was not able to speak fluently. And after my high school was over, my connection to the language was cut for many years!
It was when I went toLa Reunion’, a French department in the Indian ocean, I came again in the touch of the language. It was then I recalled some rules of grammar and some general words and restarted speaking and learning French.
After I restarted speaking I face various problems. Sometimes I became totally blank while answering to some people, sometimes I left alone wandering here and there at various places as I didn’t know how to ask for the way and the names of certain places. Many times I adjusted my emotions and feelings due to a shortage of words.
But then, I decided to be focused and started observing. I observed the way people spoke, I observed their tone, I observed pronunciation, and also their body language. It all helped in immersion.
Then, over time, I became fluent in French. So guys! My experience tells me that the power the grasping power, the less time taken in learning French. So, the time taken to learn French for me was as long as I grasped the language. And grasping time differs from individual to individual. During my learning, I observed three basic things which can help you in learning:
Dedication: it is your dedication only that helps you in language immersion.
Immersion: Until and unless you won’t immerse into the language, you wouldn’t be able to think in French because as long as you speak after translating your English words into French, you won’t be fluent. So, it is very important to start thinking in French.
Practice speaking: We all have heard that ‘the practice makes a man perfect’. As long as you be in touch with a language, you can pronounce it. So, keep the connection. Don’t leave the practice. Speak as much as you can. If you don’t get anything from which you can practice French, just go and search for old books! Believe me, this scratch will help you in many ways.
So, if you want to become fluent in French and to keep your fluency just practice it. Arrange for some old books and audio-visual clips with subtitles that can help you in learning.
The positive thing which happened to me was that I went to that french-speaking place but the thing is not the same for everyone. I got the environment everyone couldn’t. I experienced and faced the problems with locals everyone couldn’t.
So to overcome this problem, there is a one-stop solution on the internet named Multibhashi.
You can enroll yourself in one of the courses available for French language learning and bring that environment to your home only!
So don’t wait and start learning French lessons online at your home with Multibhashi. All the best!