The German language is a West Germanic language mainly spoken in Central Europe. It is the most widely spoken and official or co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the Italian province of South Tyrol. It is also a co-official language of Luxembourg, Belgium, and parts of southwestern Poland, as well as a national language in Namibia. German is most similar to other languages within the West Germanic language branch, including Afrikaans, Dutch, English, the Frisian languages, Low German, Luxembourgish, Scots, and Yiddish. It also contains close similarities in vocabulary to some languages in the North Germanic group, such as Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. German is the second most widely spoken Germanic language after English.
One of the major languages of the world, German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and is spoken by a total of over 130 million people. It is the most spoken native language within the European Union. German is also widely taught as a foreign language, especially in Europe, where it is the third-most taught foreign language (after English and French), and the United States. Language has been influential in the fields of philosophy, theology, science, and technology. It is the second most commonly used scientific language and among the most widely used languages on websites. The German-speaking countries are ranked fifth in terms of annual publication of new books, with one-tenth of all books (including e-books) in the world being published in German.
- When you learn your native language, you listen first, then you speak, then you read and you’re writing. The four language skills we need to learn for full communication are listening, speaking, reading, and writing and it applies to every language.
- To master these four fundamental language skills, you must immerse yourself in English at all times: at home, at work, and in your spare time.
- Whether you are a German speaker or any language learner English is the most important language to communicate with worldwide.
- English now extends through countries and cultures and opens many doors to opportunities and social life to communicate properly.
- The more fluent in English you are, the more interesting, entertaining, and informative discussions you will be able to have.
Tips and tricks to know
Focus on improving your basic knowledge of English
Don’t get too hung up on grammar rules neither neglect them. First and foremost, do as many grammar drills as possible as they improve your basic knowledge of English. Then go on with as many speaking and listening exercises in order to achieve an intermediate level of the language.
Focus a little bit on the grammar part
While focusing on grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, try to read some press articles focusing on vocabulary and terminology in order to achieve a good knowledge of English.
Practice as much as possible
Practice as much as possible. Keep in mind that the verbal system in English is not similar to German. The German verbal system is divided into perfective and imperfective verbs, whereas the English verbal system is divided into tenses which determine the result of the action. Focus on verbs too.
Learn English Idioms
Learning English idioms are phrases whose meanings aren’t obvious from looking at the individual words.
The use of idioms might not be as common as slang in informal speech. However, native speakers can use idioms
It’s also helpful to keep a diary of idioms you learn and their (possible) equivalents in your language. This can make them more memorable. You can also look up idioms in your diary if you hear one, but forget what it means.
Finally, don’t be afraid to use them!
It’s not easy to learn English like a German native speaker. In fact, it’s very hard. However, you can start today by perfecting your pronunciation and practicing to obtain a natural flow of speech. If you want to learn must visit some amazing websites:- Multibhashi
Go through an online or download the app on your phone, it is very easy to learn without going anywhere. Multibhashi offers you:
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Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
That fear may keep you from writing well. Language takes extraordinary amounts of practice to master, and mistakes are part of the learning process.
If you know why you want to study, setting goals is easy.
Make an agenda. How long do you need to study to achieve your goals? This answer is different for every student. The important thing is to be realistic. Make a commitment Learning English requires a lot of motivation. Nobody is going to take your attendance when you aren’t in class. If you are sure you are ready to begin studying, make a commitment.
Use standard English.
Standard English is a form of English accepted as the most universally accepted, based mostly on written English. British and American style English are very similar, but vary substantially in accent, some spellings, and pronunciation. Be aware that there are many regional accents and dialects throughout the world.
Read extensively:
literary fiction, non-fiction, magazines, the newspaper. Watch movies/cinema/TV. Pay attention to proper news. Listen to smart, eloquent people. Your language will improve naturally and effortlessly.
Think in English
The most challenging aspect of speaking English is often not the language itself, but how you think about it.
You must always translate between languages if you think in your native language and then try and speak English. It is not an easy task to translate! And people who are bilingual or multilingual have difficulty switching from one language to another, such as German to English.
Thinking in English is the solution.
This can be done anywhere, at any time. Try using English when you think about your day, or try to choose which food to order. Try looking up words in an English-to-English dictionary. You must never use your native language to translate words in that way. You will find that it is easier for you to speak in English when you think.
This is my piece of advice and I do not want to influence you at all, of course. As a learner of foreign languages, I can tell you that this learning system works for most European languages. You can only fit into a learning schedule tailored to your own needs if you want to grasp the fundamentals, warm up, make up simple conversations, move on to the next levels and get a very good level of English.