For a non-native Russian speaker, Russian is obviously a foreign language. If one wishes to learn Russian, one needs to start learning right from the basics of the Russian language. All the skills required for foreign language learning, namely, listening, speaking, reading, comprehension, and writing, need to be paid attention to in order to master a language.
Various methods of teaching can be used, as suitable to a learner’s needs and personality, or to improve his/her writing skills
In this blog, we see the steps you can take to improve your Russian writing skills.
Writing skills tips
Reading and learning the Cyrillic alphabet
Listening to the pronunciations of the Cyrillic alphabet carefully over videos or online audio dictionaries
Speaking and practicing the sounds of the alphabet
Watching videos to understand how to write the alphabet stroke-by-stroke, how to turn or move one’s hand smoothly to write a letter or character perfectly
Practicing writing the learned characters repeatedly,
Learning new words from books for basic Russian learning, or books meant for beginners level – Russian learners, etc.
Practicing writing the newly learned words
Forming phrases or complete sentence by joining the words
Augmenting the learning process or developing one’s writing skills with the help of online Russian learning programs