Ever observed how kids pick up new technology faster than you. When it comes to learning new things, children have an advantage over adults. Children can spend more time when compared to adults learning new things. Here are some kid-friendly ways that can make learning Chinese at a young age fun and easy.
Have you ever observed how children pick up a new language? Especially their native language. It is through listening. The more they listen to something, the faster they are able to grasp it. Cartoon shows or kids-friendly programs are a fun, entertaining, and easy way of learning a new language. This method may not help them in speaking the language, but it can definitely prove to be a good source for listening and understanding the language. As adults, we might depend on subtitles, but children pick up the language just by watching the actions and listening.
Chinese as a foreign language is taught mostly at the high school level, however, if you would like your child to learn a new language it can be introduced once they are comfortable with their native language or at a very young age where they can learn a new language simultaneously along with the native language. This would definitely not be taxing on their little minds as they absorb everything they see, hear and observe like a sponge. And language is no different.
Important things to know
Children love to learn if it is fun and engaging. You can find activities that interest your child and make language learning a part of them. Apart from programs that are both fun to watch and educational, you can also use other options like games specifically designed for Chinese. You can also use the good old flashcards. Just try to keep them fun. Adding more pictures to flashcards, creating stories through Chinese words or characters are some fun ways in which children at a young age can learn Chinese.
You can also join them in a class where they get an opportunity to learn with others. Along with regular classroom learning, there are many online options available these days. Children find it interesting to learn in a group. Thus, find a group learning session where children can interact with others and have fun while learning something new. This also ensures that you are able to monitor their progress better.
Culture and language are interrelated and it is easy to learn both together for kids. You can get your kids involved in creating crafts or projects related to Chinese culture that adds to their vocabulary as well. Introduction of Chinese food or maybe the concept of Chinese bowls or chopsticks can also be fun for young age learners.
Learning new cultures also helps broaden children’s perspectives and makes them more tolerant individuals. They grow up with open minds. If you are still wondering what is a good age to start learning Chinese for kids, it could be as early as five or less or even at twelve. Just find what works for you and your young learners and start learning.