Learning French
According to the visual capitalist, French ranks fifth in the list of the hundred most spoken languages globally. French is a Romance language spoken in France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, North Africa, and West Africa. With around 76.8 million speakers, French is widely accepted in many companies and countries.
So, it is worthwhile to learn French for many people, and learning French not only demands spoken part but also needs work on reading and writing as well because the French can only be excelled through reading and writing. So let us discuss how to start to learn French to read and write as well.
French is often considered a tough language due to the pronunciations that differ from English. But in reality, learning French is not difficult. If you concentrate on its grammar, you can start learning it with reading and writing as well. Here are some suggestions that can help you while learning it.

Learn basic terms:
In this step, you start learning basic terms like verbs, pronouns, adverbs, and adjectives, etc. This helps you to build your vocabulary.
In the traditional approach, you simultaneously start speaking some basic sentences of daily use.
The third step is to learn grammar. Grammar makes you learn the language correctly.
After some practice of basics, the next step of language learning is listening. Listening helps you to learn pronunciations and tones associated with the language.
Reading helps you to enhance vocabulary. If you work on your vocabulary, you can speak without any hesitation because you have many words to speak. Reading also helps you learn synonyms, antonyms, and other word forms, making you language-rich.
This is the next step that lets you open your world of thoughts. Reading and listening help you to start thinking in French, and when you start writing, you can express your feelings more confidently. Writing lets, you practice with more accuracy.

So! This traditional approach to language learning makes you learn the French language with all its basics. This is a longer approach that requires more time than usual, but this approach lets you learn more correctly than any other approach.
· My second suggestion is to start learning by the method of language immersion. This approach also lets you learn the language correctly. But the approach requires hard work as in this approach, you only are the guide to take you on the learning journey.
· The third approach you can follow is to learn the language with a guide who can direct your learning journey. You can find a language guide at many offline and online institutions that can charge you.
So, just choose from any of these approaches to learning the French language with reading and writing as well. All the Best!