French Language
French is one of the most popular languages in the world. French-speaking countries are Canada, Belgium, France, Guinea, etc. Also, this language is very much popular in France. In fact, in France, this language is their official language. You will find people speaking and talking to each other in this language. The French language follows CEFR levels. CEFR means Common European Framework of Reference. CEFR tells us how much we know about the foreign language, and we can officially validate our proficiency in that foreign language. There are six levels in CEFR, and A1 and A2 are essential, B1 and B2 are intermediate, and C1 and C2 are advanced levels.
English is a very much popular language all over the world. You will find people speaking and understanding this language. English-speaking countries are the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The main question arises if I know English, can I learn French? In this blog, I will try to answer this question:

Online classes:
Online classes are very much popular. In fact during Covid 19 pandemic, the online courses were very much popular, due to which the studies of the students did not get impacted. Moreover, now the trend of online classes is increasing every day. When you wish to learn the French language, then you can learn it. There are online classes available like IIFLS etc. I can say Multibhashi is the perfect fit for your requirement as trainers teach you this language from English.
E-learning Classes:
E-Learning courses are the perfect courses that you can do at your own convenient time. The best part of E-Learning courses is that you can do the courses at your own convenient time. Some of the best E-Learning Courses are Udemy etc.
Youtube is an online platform that you can use to watch videos of your content. This Youtube comes pre-installed on almost all smartphones. You can watch French language videos on youtube from wherein you can learn French from English. The best part of watching videos is that you can learn this language at your own convenient time. On Youtube, there is also an option to download the video and can watch it later time. Some of the French Language videos I am including here for your reference:,,
Books are the best source of knowledge. In Traditional times, we used to study books. We used to carry books in our school bags and used to take them inside so the teachers can teach us. As time flies, the pattern of education has also changed. These days we have PDFs, E-books, etc. Well, you can use Books now to learn French. There are some books which I have included here for your reference are: Larousse French English Dictionary (Available on Amazon), Ajanta French in Two Months through the medium of Hindi-English (Available on Amazon)

There are other modes available as well. Multibhashi is the online Edutech partner who will answer all your questions. It is one-stop station. Please have a look at the URL here.