While learning a language, salutation or greetings is very important. It is the first goal that you need to complete on your route to your French learning journey. Being able to say the greetings correctly and confidently will help you in the conversation that you will be having in the future.
Among the many salutations of the French language, the purpose of the phrases are quite different in accordance with the speakers, listener or settings.
The salutations of the French language can be divided into four types-Formal, semi-formal, informal and neutral. So, let us find out top 10 greetings in French for Beginners-
Top 10 greetings in French for Beginners
1. Good morning / hello-Bonjour
This is the formal greeting for “Good morning or Hello” in French.You can use bonjour to say either “good morning” or “hello” to someone when you’re seeing them for the first time of the day. If you encounter the same person again later in the day, it is inappropriate to say Bonjour.
2.Good morning / hello-Salut
This can be considered one of the popular salutations or more casual greetings for when you see someone again later in the day.
Coucou- This word can be literally translated in English as “Hey”. This is commonly said in the informal tone, to close friends or family members.
3.Good evening / hello –Bonsoir
This greeting is the same as Bonjour but used in the greetings for evening.
4.Pleasure to meet you/Nice to meet you/I’m pleased to meet you- Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance –
This greeting is mainly said in formal settings. This can be said at the beginning or at the end of a conversation when you meet the person for the first time to indicate that it’s your pleasure to meet the listener and have fun with your conversation.
5.Enchanté(e)-/Nice to meet you/I’m pleased to meet you
This phrase can be said in the semi-formal tone when the listener is younger than the speaker or in the same age group. Très heureux- This can be used in an informal setting but not as a conversation starter with the same meaning as the above two.
6.What’s your name?Comment vous appelez-vous ?-
Asking someone’s name is as much as important as greetings. Ih French there are many ways to ask a person’s name like greetings.
‘Comment vous appelez-vous ?’ is used to ask a person’s name in a formal tone. It is used in formal settings like offices for introduction.
7.What’s your name?-Comment tu t’appelles ?
This is the informal phrase of introduction and the meaning is tell me your name.
8.How are you? –Comment vas-tu ?
This is used as a semi-formal tone and used to know the well being of the listener.
Comment allez-vous ? With the same meaning as the above phrase this phrase holds the neutral tone and can be used in any circumstances.
9.GoodBye- Au revoir!-
This holds a neutral tone while indicating farewell. Due to its neutral tone it can be said in both formal and informal tone. Salut!- This can be used in informal settings for both ‘Hi and bye’. But this phrase is much more casual than Au revoir!
10. See you tomorrow!- À demain! –
The literal translation of this is see you tomorrow, this word can be considered as neutral tone.
The above top 10 greetings for Beginners in French for your better understanding. IN order to learn the language fully, you will need constant dedication, hard work as well as quiescence from professionals in this field. It is highly recommended that you need to learn from professionals. You can try out Multibhashi, which teaches on an online platform with the help of real-time video sessions. You can check it out from its website’,, for more details and your queries.
Until then, Ciao!