Sanskrit language
Sanskrit is the oldest and most perfect language in the world among the world’s great languages. It is ancient India’s greatest treasure in the world. Sanskrit has been widely known as the first literature language in the world.
It was established as one of the old branches of the Indo-European linguistic family and an old sister of the classical European languages like Greek and Latin, derived from it in the modern north Indian languages and also saturated with Sanskrit words in the south Indian languages.
The discovery of Sanskrit as a Western language made it a key instrument for understanding European languages as their origins and early stages. Sanskrit is studied by European academics as their own language.
It is said that Sanskrit studies in the West are more knowledgeable and more keenly interested than in India. Sanskrit is known as the first member of the Indo-European family in the world.
From the very beginning, the sound of each of the 36 consonants and the 16 Sanskrit vowels is precise. Never have they changed, changed, improved or changed. All the Sanskrit words have had the same pronunciation as they did today. There was no sound shift, there was no reform of the vowel system, neither the grammar of Sanskrit has ever been added to the word formation. The reason, by its existence and creation, is its absolute perfection.
Through the above assertions, it is very clear that Sanskrit is the root of all the languages of the world and not of any language. Sanskrit is, thus, the divine mother tongue of the earth.
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Sanskrit can unite the country:
Sanskrit can easily be associated with all people of every area in the country and this is the best tool to unite the nation. In Sanskrit, there are many good works. Our very indigenous people are related to the language. As future generations must study it, it is important to learn Sanskrit.
A vast, diverse country such as India needs a national language that can harmonize and unify. We saw Sanskrit for centuries as the great uniting power. Sanskrit made India one in Nature, heart, and culture even though India did not become one political entity.
Sanskrit awareness lets you learn other languages:
It is now shown that Sanskrit knowledge accelerates English learning. This news can at first glance amaze anyone. However, we must bear in mind the perfect grammar and beautiful structure of this content.
Perhaps, that’s why someone can learn English easily if Sanskrit is properly learned.
It is easy to learn English not only but also Indian when we learn Sanskrit since almost all the grammar, pronunciation, and script are Sanskrit-like.
![WhatsApp Image 2021-03-01 at 01.33.57 pros and cons](
We may conclude that our ancestors gave us the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is thought to be hard to learn, but Sanskrit is strongly associated with our mother tongue, making our learning easier. Today, there are fewer people speaking Sanskrit. It’s a challenge for us to revive Sanskrit and have it spoken again. Israel is a perfect example, leading to a campaign for reviving its Hebrew cultural language which was also once considered a dead language, today it has become an official language that makes its origins evolve.