bloodshot Jūketsu shita

Jūketsu shita

bloodshot = Jūketsu shita

Pronunciation =  bloodshot

Pronunciation in Japanese = 充血した

bloodshot in Japanese: Jūketsu shita

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: reddened as a result of locally congested blood vessels 

Definition in Japanese: 局所的に鬱血した血管の結果として赤くなった

Examples in English:

  • Her eyes were completely bloodshot and her pupils were dilated

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼女の目は完全に充血して、瞳孔は拡張した

Synonyms of bloodshot

Synonyms in Japanese 赤、
Synonyms in English red,

Antonyms of bloodshot

Antonyms in Japanese 元気
Antonyms in English healthy

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