bronze Tóng qì

Tóng qì

bronze = Tóng qì

Pronunciation =  bronze

Pronunciation in Chinese = 铜器

bronze in Chinese: Tóng qì

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements; also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tin 

Definition in Chinese: 铜和锡的合金,有时还有其他元素;还有任何含有其他元素代替锡的铜基合金

Examples in English:

  • I presented to him a bronze sword

Examples in Chinese:

  • 我送给他一把铜剑

Synonyms of bronze

Synonyms in Chinese 青铜
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of bronze

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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