buffer tampon


buffer = tampon

Pronunciation =  buffer

Pronunciation in French = tampon

buffer in French: tampon

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a person or thing that reduces a shock or that forms a barrier between incompatible or antagonistic people or things.

lessen or moderate the impact of (something). 

Definition in French: une personne ou une chose qui atténue un choc ou qui forme une barrière entre des personnes ou des choses incompatibles ou antagonistes.

diminuer ou modérer l’impact de (quelque chose).

Examples in English:

  • It is good to keep savings as a buffer against unexpected cash needs.

Examples in French:

  • Il est bon de conserver l’épargne comme tampon contre les besoins de trésorerie imprévus.

Synonyms of buffer

Synonyms in French NA
Synonyms in English bumper, defense, fender

Antonyms of buffer

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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