condescending herablassend


condescending = herablassend

Pronunciation =  condescending

Pronunciation in German = herablassend

condescending in German: herablassend

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority 

Definition in German: eine Haltung herablassender Überlegenheit haben oder zeigen

Examples in English:

  • Some of the teachers in her school were arrogant and condescending.

Examples in German:

  • Einige der Lehrer an ihrer Schule waren arrogant und herablassend.

Synonyms of condescending

Synonyms in German hochnäsig,
Synonyms in English supercilious, superior, arrogant, snobbish

Antonyms of condescending

Antonyms in German erdig,
Antonyms in English earthy, respectful, demure

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