coronavirus coronavirus


coronavirus = coronavirus

Pronunciation =  coronavirus

Pronunciation in French = coronavirus

coronavirus in French: coronavirus

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological diseases in humans and other animals. 

Definition in French: l’un quelconque d’un groupe de virus à ARN qui causent une variété de maladies respiratoires, gastro-intestinales et neurologiques chez l’homme et d’autres animaux.

Examples in English:

  • The coronavirus outbreak led to extensive economical damage.

Examples in French:

  • L’épidémie de coronavirus a entraîné d’importants dommages économiques.

Synonyms of coronavirus

Synonyms in French covid19
Synonyms in English covid,

Antonyms of coronavirus

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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