euthanasia Anraku shi

Anraku shi

euthanasia = Anraku shi

Pronunciation =  euthanasia

Pronunciation in Japnese = 安楽死

euthanasia in Japnese: Anraku shi

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma 

Definition in Japnese: 不治の痛みを伴う病気または不可逆的な昏睡状態に苦しんでいる患者の痛みのない殺害

Examples in English:

  • She underwent euthanasia.

Examples in Japnese:

  • 彼女は安楽死した。

Synonyms of euthanasia

Synonyms in Japnese オイタナシー
Synonyms in English mercy killing, putting out of misery

Antonyms of euthanasia

Antonyms in Japnese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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