euthanize euthanasier


euthanize = euthanasier

Pronunciation =  euthanize

Pronunciation in French = euthanasier

euthanize in French: euthanasier

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: put to death humanely. 

Definition in French: mis à mort avec humanité.

Examples in English:

  • I’m going to have to euthanize the dog.

Examples in French:

  • Je vais devoir euthanasier le chien.

Synonyms of euthanize

Synonyms in French tuer sans cruauté,
tuer par pitié
Synonyms in English put to sleep,
kill humanely,
kill mercifully

Antonyms of euthanize

Antonyms in French ressusciter,
Antonyms in English resurrect,

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