Form का हिन्दी अर्थ
- The children formed a circle and stood there.
- The company was formed in 2015.
- Please fill in/out the form with black ink.
- उसने मिट्टी से एक छोटा कटोरा बनाया ।
- आपको पूरा फॉर्म भर के देना है ।
Synonyms for Form
Synonyms in Hindi | आयोजित करना, स्थापित , प्रारंभ, बनाना, आकार |
Synonyms in English | make, organize, establish, start, shape. |
Antonyms for Form
in Hindi | भंग, समाप्त |
in English | Dissolve, abolish. |
orm – बनाना
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