fraternize Shinkō suru

Shinkō suru

fraternize = Shinkō suru

Pronunciation =  fraternize

Pronunciation in Japanese = 親交する

fraternize in Japanese: Shinkō suru

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: To bring into fellowship or brotherly sympathy. 

Definition in Japanese: 交わりや兄弟の同情をもたらすため。

Examples in English:

  • I don’t fraternize at work

Examples in Japanese:

  • 私は仕事で親交をしません

Synonyms of fraternize

Synonyms in Japanese 友達になる
Synonyms in English socialize,

Antonyms of fraternize

Antonyms in Japanese 疎外し、
Antonyms in English alienate,
make enemies

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