headquarter Hauptsitz


headquarter = Hauptsitz

Pronunciation =  headquarter

Pronunciation in German = Hauptsitz

headquarter in German: Hauptsitz

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise 

Definition in German: das Büro, das als Verwaltungszentrum eines Unternehmens dient

Examples in English:

  • Its national headquarters are in Florida

Examples in German:

  • Der nationale Hauptsitz befindet sich in Florida

Synonyms of headquarter

Synonyms in German Hauptquartier,
Synonyms in English head office,
main office,
central office

Antonyms of headquarter

Antonyms in German Niederlassung,
örtliches Büro
Antonyms in English branch,
local office

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