polio Xiǎo’ér mábì zhèng

Xiǎo’ér mábì zhèng

polio = Xiǎo’ér mábì zhèng

Pronunciation =  polio

Pronunciation in Chinese = 小儿麻痹症

polio in Chinese: Xiǎo’ér mábì zhèng

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord 

Definition in Chinese: 一种以脑干和脊髓神经细胞炎症为特征的急性病毒性疾病

Examples in English:

  • He has had polio since childhood and uses a wheelchair

Examples in Chinese:

  • 他从小就患有小儿麻痹症并使用轮椅

Synonyms of polio

Synonyms in Chinese 脊髓灰质炎
Synonyms in English poliomyelitis

Antonyms of polio

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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