See in French

stealth Yǐnshēn


stealth = Yǐnshēn

Pronunciation =  stealth

Pronunciation in Japanese = 隐身

stealth in Japanese: Yǐnshēn

Part of speech Noun 

Definition in English : cautious and surreptitious action or movement.

(chiefly of aircraft) designed in accordance with technology which makes detection by radar or sonar difficult. 

Definition in Japanese : 谨慎和偷偷摸摸的动作或动作。


Examples in English :

  • They used stealth to enter the grounds.

Examples in Japanese :

  • 他们使用隐身方式进入场地。

Synonyms of stealth

Synonyms in Japanese 保密
Synonyms in English secrecy

Antonyms of stealth

Antonyms in Japanese 开放性
Antonyms in English openness

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