See in Japanese

stigma stigmate


stigma = stigmate

Pronunciation =  stigma

Pronunciation in French = stigmate

stigma in French: stigmate

Part of speech Noun 

Definition in English : bad and often unfair feelings that people in general have about a particular illness, way of behaving, etc.

the top of the carpel where pollen is received 

Definition in French : sentiments mauvais et souvent injustes que les gens en général éprouvent à propos d’une maladie particulière, d’une manière de se comporter, etc.

le sommet du carpelle où le pollen est reçu

Examples in English :

  • They all found it hard to shake the stigma of failure.

Examples in French :

  • Ils ont tous eu du mal à se débarrasser des stigmates de l’échec.

Synonyms of stigma

Synonyms in French honte
Synonyms in English shame

Antonyms of stigma

Antonyms in French honneur
Antonyms in English honour

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